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What You Need to Know

How we help you achieve your goals

Learn More About Our Innovative Approach

We help our students accomplish their most important goal - getting a well-paid job. This our common goal, and we are not the type of school that just goes through the curriculum and lets you figure out how to get a job.

Woman with a tablet in hand, in an advanced IT environment

What You Need to Know

How we help you achieve goals

Our 6-month technical program consists of Theory classes, Homeworks, Practical tasks and Projects in our simulated work environments. You will work with the same environments that well-known tech companies have, this will help you gain real-world experience, necessary to pass a job interview and to feel comfortable when you get your first DevOps job

DevOps Program

DevOps Program

Our goal is to get you a well-paid job, and we will do everything we can to help you achieve it. You will go through our main program, but we will not let you fall behind. If you don't understand certain topics, our teacher assistants are always available to go over the difficult points with you again.

What's our Common Goal

What's our Common Goal

312 has very knowledgeable instructors, who work in top-tier companies and have the best qualifications, including the best industry certifications. We know technology is always changing, so we continually seek new ways to improve our program.

Technical Knowledge

Technical Knowledge

DevOps Engineers can have many different skills. We could teach you all of them, but it's inefficient. Instead, we focus on 3 main skills/technologies that are fundamental for a DevOps Engineer. If you know them well, you can solve work problems and learn other skills easily. These 3 skills (AWS, Linux, Kubernetes) will already put you on a list of top candidates for most of the jobs.

AWS, Linux, Kubernetes

AWS, Linux, Kubernetes

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